
  • I should have called it a long time ago.

    This blog is dead.

    I'm still alive. I do things now. I have fun. I get bored. I this. I that. I've stopped writing about myself. Life goes on.

    I will say this though. In the entire time I've had this and the previous blog, I've never erased anything I've said regardless of how embarrassing, emo, or just plain wrong it was. And for this I am proud. Because a blog isn't about putting on your best face. It's a ventilation duct...and your life is some sort of building...okay, I'm going to quit with the analogy.

  • The Internet was constructed with benevolent intentions, rife as it is with abuse and idiocy. To this day, it still stands for freedom of ideas. Anybody can attempt to make an impact on culture by creating a website, and that website could theoretically rival the popularity of any website backed by a multi-billion dollar corporation.

    A new bill sponsored by Ted Stevens (R-AK) is intended to reform telecommunications, allowing ISPs to block pornography, viruses, and spam, but the language is not concise enough to disallow possible abuses such as charging websites to not be slowed down or blocked.

    Sign the petition: http://www.savetheinternet.com/

    Article: http://www.multichannel.com/article/CA6345459.html

    Wow. I blogged. It's been a long time. I haven't felt like writing.

    EDIT: ^Look. A lie. Doesn't it look like I was implying I'd write again? And here we are a year later.

  • PigeonRank - so all along, our ubiquitous friends have been driving world domination.

    If you use public computers often and have a USB flash or hard drive, you can use Portable Firefox [EDIT]or Opera USB[/EDIT] for secure, tabbed browsing and auto-checking Gmail and Miranda IM for instant messenging on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc.

  • Make me promise to read books more often. I have to promise someone external to myself because if I'm dependent entirely on myself I'll destroy myself. An individual that is a means to an end has no need to exist. Post birth, the purpose of living is seeking a meaningful death.

    That's a speech I could only make to a true friend.

    My college English class thesis came to me a bit late.

    The greatest rule of social interaction is everyone wants to be loved.

  • I had a dream, some professor was getting interviewed for a newspaper.

    Q: So, you raised ducks.
    A: Yes.
    Q: Were any physics involved?
    A: Quarks, I suppose?

    That is so Douglas Adams.

  • We shall have a moment of silence.  This is for exactly what it's usually for.  The internet loses time anyway, as it's really a written medium, so it'll be more like a short eternity.  Right now I'm thinking of the end of Requiem For A Dream.

    Now that I'm twenty-one years old, the peak of my youth.  Alcohol?  I'll do some...  You don't need to drink to have fun, you can get high on other things.  Like intellectual debates and...um...I don't know.  But there's gotta be something fun for the whole family.  As long as alcohol doesn't take anywhere near center stage.  I'll get my license, and I can be the designated driver.

  • ag·o·ny n. from Middle English agonie, from Old French, from Late Latin agonia, from Greek agonia, from agon, struggle, from agein, to drive.

    I hope it is over now.  The end begins when one realizes that nemeses are not to be fought but to be made peace with.

    So tell me a tale, make it epic
    So cry me a tear, make it blood
    So carve me a new hole for a heart
    A child learns
    An adult lives
    When does education end and living begin?
    Living in fear of a life of sin
    Is learning and living, all within
    One experience, one point of view
    One so worthless because it's not two
    Or three or four, maybe more
    Only one go at this life that doesn't rewind
    You wish your God was this kind
    Delude yourself, get over the pain
    Of being born, again and again
    Everyday a new you, but I'm still me
    You think you're special, but you live in antiquity
    You're still alive, don't you know
    When you've learned to live you'll know you live to learn

  • An essay about my opinion of my deployment everyone was required to submit for the battalion newsletter.

    I joined the Army for very selfish reasons. Besides needing an income, putting my life in danger to see what it was like seemed like a learning experience. I might even discover what the Middle Eastern bogeyman truly is, this political piñata so different from the "Krauts" and "Japs" of World War II yet hated so similiarly. It is sadistically amusing to me how a war on a word can be fought with bullets, bombs, and, ultimately, itself. This war at its core is not about oil, freedom, or mutually assured destruction; it is an explosion of huge cultural tension. This war was unneccessary but inevitable, I think more appropriately called the War of Terror.

    A year ago I could not bear to make eye contact with a passing man, dark skinned and wearing a turban. Everything I knew about the war came from the media. Siding with the left did not diminish the haunting of 9/11, very real and ever present. Meeting security-cleared Iraqis at the fuel point and watching them from the guard towers, I see human beings. We never exchange more than a few words, but everywhere they wave and smile to us; whether out of respect or a sense of self-preservation, life must go on for these people despite being in the middle of a warzone.

  • In my opinion, the evolution of humanity is held back because people are afraid to touch each other due to fear of rape.

    EXPANDING: rape, also homosexuality and other perceived sexual violations;
    DELIMITATING: perceived, or possible, as opposed to actual;
    EXPANDING: physical taboo, also emotional and intellectual — fear of crossing personal boundries.
    REVISING: telepathy is neither a feasible solution to imperfect communication nor essential to understanding.
    safety is contrived to secure those boundries communicatees
    maintain; one of society's functions is to establish a common sense of
    boundries so that "safe" communication is possible.  Communicators
    are not able to ascertain communicatees' boundries in real time without
    EXPANDING: global sense of boundries
    varies continuously, if this sense is allowed to become too restrictive
    social collapse is imminent.  Diminishment of this sense is
    entirely the responsibility of the communicatees, and, slowly, the
    communicators will accomodate.

  • Must write this down before I forget it....

    NOTE TO SELF - Must read books on a regular basis.  I haven't read books frequently for many years.  My muse just fizzles up and breezes away when I don't feed it.  I see it to be like a little demon toying with me.

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